Communication through different forms in art is one of the faculties that distinguish us as a species.
The spoken language is translated into writing and likewise the written image suggests form, idea, concept, game and madness. Imagination flies and feelings arise.
The communication poured from the creative intention generates initial introspection and then explodes in moving expression that binds us and enriches us as human beings. This idea is what unites two cultural companies that decided to ally to complement each other and share the beautiful language of art.
Since 2010, Nahualli has had the opportunity to collaborate with Habla, generating dialogue exercises based on art to enrich the dynamics of learning the Spanish language in a creative and fun way. Melva Medina and the great team of teachers at Habla, have created dynamics that encourage the interest of the students and facilitate the commitment for a good development of their learning in the Nahualli gallery and studio.
Our gallery has received large and small groups, very diverse and each one of them leaves us with a strong learning experience. Some of the students who go through the experiences at Nahualli, and who temporarily live in Merida, have become great friends of the family and some other students follow the careers of those who live here, becoming new collectors.